Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Week On the New Job

I have completed my first week in the new department. It's a strange thing to be displaced without your consent. Everyone is very nice and welcoming in the new "country." If you read my September 20 post "Dead Woman Walking," then you know my company treats departments like separate countries. At least I am now working in something similar to Portugal. When people find out I'm in a different place, they ask questions. I don't know quite what to say. "Oh, you're there now? Do you like it better?" Or "Why did you leave?" I've decided honesty is the best policy. They need to know what might be coming.

Don't misunderstand me, I am in a much better situation than many, and I'll get over it, but it's still hard to wrap my head around how and why this all happened. Let's re-cap: two months ago I would have never guessed I'd be here, and by here I mean literally and philosophically. I've essentially been forcibly transferred, taken a pay cut, and am doing a job I don't have any passion for.


Still employed, good thing. Benefits, good thing. Time towards retirement, good thing. Less money, bad thing. Having to learn everything, bad thing. Being grateful all the time, tiresome. Sigh.


plainolebob said...

BB32, wow or whoah, same thing when u r wher u don wanna b

Bruce Coltin said...

More reasons to write, good thing.

Blogger_babe32 said...

Amen, Bruce! I'm not giving it up!

Kate said...

Hope it goes well for you. Moving depts is a huge change but hopefully you'll sttle in soon

Kate xx

Kristy said...

It always take a bit to settle in. I hope you start to like it a little better. said...

Sounds like the pay cut is the worst part, but, yeah, it's hard to complain about a job nowadays.

Joe Cap said...

I feel your pain more than you know. I have been laid off dozens of times...and where I work now is fairly secure...only about 7 years to go before I can retire...I can't wait to have the misery of working overwith!
Hang in there!